Before You Build a Chatbot, Let’s Talk About What Really Matters: Your Customers’ Pain Points

4 min readOct 10, 2024


Let’s be real — chatbots are everywhere these days, right? Whether you’re ordering a pizza, booking a flight, or trying to fix a tech issue, chances are you’ve interacted with one. And I bet you’ve had some good experiences… and a few that made you want to throw your phone out the window. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

But here’s the thing: chatbots have come a long way. Back in 2017, bots only handled about 20% of customer chats from start to finish. By 2019? They were wrapping up nearly 70% of calls all on their own. Impressive, huh?

Customer satisfaction with chatbots has shot through the roof too. We’re talking about an 87.5% satisfaction rate, which is actually higher than when humans are involved. Wild, right? But — yes, there’s always a “but” — not everyone is sold on the idea of bots taking over.

So, what’s the deal? Why are some people still avoiding chatbots like they’re the plague? Well, my friend, it all boils down to understanding the customer’s pain points. If we can crack that code, we’re golden. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty.

The Key to Great Chatbots? A Little Empathy

Before we go further, let’s get on the same page about what chatbots really are. Chatbots use conversational AI to simulate (or at least try to) a natural chat with customers. They pop up on websites and apps, trying to solve problems or guide you to someone who can. And for businesses, they’ve become a go-to tool, helping cut costs while providing quick 24/7 service. Pretty handy, huh?

In fact, by 2022, brands in retail, healthcare, and banking were expected to save around $8 billion in customer support costs thanks to chatbots. That’s no small change. But despite their benefits, many people still avoid them like that relative who never stops talking at family gatherings. So, what gives?

Why Some People Just Don’t Like Chatbots

You’d think with all the buzz around AI and chatbots, everyone would be onboard by now, right? Not quite. According to our pals at Botium, 28% of consumers want nothing to do with chatbots. And it’s not just Grandma — plenty of 20-somethings feel the same way.

Why? Well, their reasons run the gamut. Some feel like bots can’t handle the complexities of a real conversation. Others just find them plain frustrating. Still, others are worried about privacy and data security. I mean, who hasn’t asked a bot something simple, only to be met with a confusing loop of “I don’t understand”?

The 5 Types of Chatbots That Make Us All Cringe

Alright, we’ve all been there — stuck talking to a chatbot that’s driving us up the wall. But what are the worst chatbot experiences that make customers want to pull their hair out? Let’s break it down:

  1. The Dead-End Bot: You’re trying to get help, but the bot keeps looping you in circles with no way to speak to a real person. Ugh, it’s like being trapped in a “Groundhog Day” of bad customer service.
  2. The Harasser Bot: Every time you click on something, that little chatbot window pops up like, “Hey, need help?” No, I don’t — just let me browse in peace!
  3. The Useless Bot: You’ve explained your issue, but now you’re transferred to a human, and guess what? You have to explain the whole thing again. What’s the point of the bot, then?
  4. The Restrictive Bot: This one only gives you a few button options, none of which solve your problem. “Can I just talk to a person, please?”
  5. The Clueless Bot: You ask a simple question, and the bot responds with, “Sorry, I didn’t get that.” After a few rounds of this, you’re ready to throw your device out the window.

Sound familiar? These are the chatbot nightmares we’ve all faced. But if we can fix these pain points, we can make chatbots a tool customers actually enjoy using.

The Fix: Invest in Quality Chatbot Assurance

Here’s the deal — if you’re going to build a chatbot, you can’t just slap it together and call it a day. You need to put real effort into making sure it works smoothly and solves problems, not creates them.

That’s why chatbot quality assurance (QA) is so important. We can’t treat bots as an afterthought or just another line of code in our customer service stack. They’re front-and-center in our interactions with customers, so we have to get it right.

At TypeRobo, we get it. We understand how frustrating a bad bot experience can be, and we’ve made it our mission to help businesses build bots that actually work for their customers. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve an existing chatbot, we’ve got your back.

Ready to make sure your chatbot hits the mark? Let’s tackle those customer pain points together — because no one should have to deal with a dead-end, harasser, or clueless bot ever again!




Tech entrepreneur building no-code chatbot solutions at TypeRobo. Passionate about AI, automation, and simplifying digital interactions for businesses.